Blogging is all the rage and chances are that most people who are articulate, well read and have a flair for writing think they can blog and take the plunge in to blogosphere. While some of these people succeed at blogging and even get better at it over a period of time others end up… (4 comments)

Most blogs have it – you know, the letter “c” with a circle on it – of the blogs’ footer section. We have it, too – “Copyright © 2009-2011 The Friendly Blogger. All Rights Reserved.” If you neglect the copyright notice, I recommend you to add it into your blog’s footer, for some reasons. Well,… (1 comment)

No, this blog post is not about a cookie recipe 🙂 This blog post is about cookie stuffing, and one major reason why you should stay away from blog advertisers who insist for their banner ads to go with a certain tracking script. You monetize your blog with banner ad spots sales. You are hoping… (0 comment)

Why You Need To Avoid SafeLists
When I first started blogging, I was really gullible. Somehow I believed everything the Internet returned to me. I learned some hard lessons along the way and always tried to bring those lessons to you, the loyal reader. Now, a new lesson…why you need to avoid safelists. What Is A Safelist A safelist is a… (4 comments)

Here is the newest WordPress plugin I installed on The Friendly Blogger: BlogGlue Related Posts Network Plugin, which I strongly recommend you to install on your blog. Why? Well, the number one reason I can think of is that bloggers often can’t grow his or her own blog without the help of other bloggers recommending… (6 comments)

Okay, so here we go with another warning. The Internet is a wide open place with all kinds of people; from honest to down right despicable. Now, scammers come in all areas of our businesses. We know this to be true right? From blog scrapers stealing your content, to Paypal hacking, etc….this little story is… (3 comments)