Sankey Diagrams: What Are They?
Visualization is a huge factor in audience comprehension of your presented material. Whether online or off, you all like images. When it comes to digesting huge amounts of information, you turn to the trusty pie chart. Easy to comprehend and colorful! But in this day and age, there is something even better than pie charts.… (1 comment)

I admit it… I am addicted to Google. Anytime someone asks me a question, I whip out whatever techie gadget I have at the moment and Google it up. I can’t help it….they are like gods of search. Google knows everything. I have learned a few search tips along the way to get exactly what… (2 comments)

While I do enjoy searching for old pals via Facebook, I have to admit; their privacy sucks. Unless a user hides everything for friends only, I can find the info I am looking for. This has been an issue with Facebook users for a few years now and FB has not really addressed the issues.… (1 comment)

I have been reading a lot of info lately on Google and Twitter. Considering the fact that Twitter has failed to monetize for users, should Google buy Twitter? There is no doubt Google knows how to monetize. They are a multi-billion dollar entity. They have made people millionaires with Adsense and AdWords. So they have… (0 comment)

I know you have all asked the question, how often should I post to my blog? Does daily posting rank better in Google? The age old dilemma; I know. Daily Posting You know if you are running your blog as a business and trying to rank better in Google, how much work that takes. Not… (2 comments)

Now that you have started your online business or blog, you need to promote it. Market it rather. This post will showcase 5 ways to market your business online. Online Business Promotion Promoting your business online is a bit different than traditional brick and mortar marketing. Online you have several outlets to market your goods.… (3 comments)

How To Use Google Video Search To Gain Rank
Google has this great little search engine. I know, it’s not little Lisa, right?! Well, I am not referring to their main hub; I am talking about Google Video search. I finally tried to use it for myself and I like what I see. Using the Google Video search, I found some pretty relevant information… (0 comment)