Ever visit a blog that utilizes AdSense advertising and see some wacko looney ads? Seriously, what AdSense tool are they using?!  I’m talking specifically about blogs that have reputations, not blogs set up solely for ads.  I mean, you pop over to a link building blog and right there on the sidebar, for all the… (32 comments)

So it goes something like this. A few years back I had a personal blog on a now defunct blogging platform. I discussed anything and everything, especially things I noticed on a daily basis. I talked about my cat and the weather. But never, anywhere in this blog did I mention “rainbow poop.” Ever. So… (43 comments)

SiteLinks: What Google REALLY Thinks Of You
Okay okay, we all know Google updated the toolbar pageRank. We also know that some pretty high trafficked, reputable sites saw no change in their PR. So they must suck in the eyes of Google right? They must not be relevant in search you say. WRONG. So Lisa, Ms Smarty Pants,  what’s the real measure… (67 comments)

How You Lost 20% Of Your Conversions
I have talked about this before, but alas, I will say it again. Converting traffic is not just a sale. A conversion is whatever action you want your readers to complete. That can range anywhere from buying something, opting in to your list to receive free content, answer a question, leave a comment, share, I… (63 comments)

Not much of a fight you say. Google VS Bing. C’mon, it’s Google and no one can take down the champ, right? Not if Bing has anything to say about it. The Bing Dilemma Pretty self explanatory here, but I’ll say it anyways. How in the world do we take a share of the Google… (18 comments)

We all know Google is the king hoohah of search…but did you expect them to be the king hoohah of employers? I think I may have had a notion. So, I looked into into the benefits of joining Google. Not that I have half a brain to do so, but I thought it would be… (2 comments)