
How Can Numerology Help You Reach Your Goals?

How Can Numerology Help You Reach Your Goals?
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More often than not, you might find yourself at a crossroads in your life, struggling to make the right decision. With every decision you make, your path to your life goals gets altered little by little. The big question is, are there any tools or guides that can help you in the process?

Well, fortunately, there are some tools and guides you can make use of. Numerology is one of some ways that can guide you in your ever-present attempt to reach your goals.

What is numerology, anyway? To put it simply, numerology focuses on the magical connection between numbers, letters, and like patterns. It is used as a tool to develop a holistic knowledge of yourself and the world around you.

The next big question is, how do you know which numbers are important to you? Read on.

Find out your Numerology number

Birthday Number

Your birth day number helps you find your lucky number! For this, look at the date you were born. If you were born on the 2nd of a month, your birthday number would be 2. If you were born on the 16th of a month, your birthday number would be 7 (1+6) in that case.

Life path number

Your life path number shows the path you may walk in your lifetime. It shows your nature as a person and your unique personality traits. To find this, add your birth day, the numerical month, and the year in which you were born. For example, let’s assume you were born on 23rd November 1992.

First, add the birth date numbers: 2+3 = 5.

Now, add the double-digit month numbers (11 for November): 1+1 = 2.

Lastly, add the digits of the year: 1+9+9+2 = 21. As this is again a double-digit number, we break it down further to: 2+1 = 3

Finally, we will add all the numbers together: 5 (birthdate) + 2 (birth month) + 3 (birth year) = 10. We will reduce this number to a single digit number: 1+0 = 1.

Hence, we arrive at the life path number of 1.

The number seven

photo credit: Mateusz Dach / Pexels

Interpretation of these numbers

For lucky numbers:

#1: Free, independent, driven, and vivacious.

#2: Patient and delicate.

#3: Very social, informative, and diligent.

#4: Righteous, rigid and organised.

#5: Carefree, freedom-loving and open to challenges.

#6: Seeks authority in all relationships.

#7: Takes intuition seriously and seeks spirituality.

#8: Proclivity with materialism, realism and achievements.

#9: Understands the essence of letting go of the past.

*Master Numbers (Don’t have to be added together to get a one-digit number)

#11: Magnetic personality who is intuitive.

#22: Can execute their objectives and dreams into the real world.

#33: Spiritual and philanthropic; keeps rest of the humanity before self.

For life path numbers:

#1: Let go of a part of themselves before.

#2: Needs to forfeit materialism.

#3: Have suppressed emotions.

#4: Feels deserted by their family in the past.

#5: Learning to be selfless.

#6: Has to work to accept themselves.

#7: Learning to work cohesively with others.

#8: Trying to deal with the realities of their life.

#9: Trying to seek positivity in their life.

#11: Accustomed to taking risks.

#22: Needs to let their talent speak for itself.

#33: Often make the right decisions as a result of their strong mindset.

Numerology Matters If…

Numerology can only help you understand yourself a bit better. But remember, it’s YOU who is in the driver’s seat. So, look at using numerology only as a tool to bring yourself closer to your goals. And that’s something which starts with knowing who you truly are and what you can do!

Cover photo credit: Black Ice / Pexels

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