What it takes to be an effective startup business leader?
Small business leaders need more confidence, knowledge and exposure since we all know that a start up or small business has more challenges to face in its way when compared to huge entities in some aspects. A leader in a startup business is someone who should be more confident, enthusiastic, inventive and persistent. When a… (0 comment)

Is it Okay to Break Grammar Rules in Creative Writing?
Formally-educated writers know the rules of grammar backward and forward. They get a twitch when their friends end a text with a preposition. They proofread and correct emails from their family. They call the principal of their child’s school when there’s a typo on the lunch menu. You know the type. Or perhaps you’re even… (0 comment)

A Quick Guide To Google Plus
Google + is a complex social media network created and owned by Google.  Many people make the argument that Google + is somewhat redundant.  After all, the social media networking giant Facebook is still doing well, with over an estimated 1.11 billion active users.  In addition, many people speculate that Google Search will use its… (0 comment)

Blogging And Web Marketing Tips For Old Folk
There is an incorrect assumption among many that the internet is generally for young people. We tend to assume that because blogging requires a basic understanding of technology, that it is outside of the capabilities of the elderly. This however is far from true. It’s never too late to teach an ‘old dog’ new tricks,… (0 comment)

5 Simple Tips To Be Persuasive In Your Blog
The level of persuasion in your blog will determine the level of traffic you’ll get. The more persuasive you are, the more traffic you’ll get. This is very simple in explanation. If you have a persuasive blog, people will consider your blog interesting. And they’ll follow you. It’s like having a nice friend. You’ll hear… (0 comment)