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How To Create A Successful Website In A Highly Competitive Niche

How To Create A Successful Website In A Highly Competitive Niche
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If you’re building a website that you hope to earn money from, or that you want to promote your business, then a common piece of advice you’ll get from the experts is not to go into too competitive a niche. In other words they’ll tell you not to create a ‘bodybuilding’ website, or an ‘SEO’ website, simply because there are too many other sites out there just like it and it will be hard to get to the number one spot. Sites on knitting, on breeds of snail, and on kite flying are all much easier to make a success out of…

Unfortunately though not everyone is going to want to make their website on snails. It’s probably not what you’re passionate about and it might not have anything to do with your business. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and take on some heavy competition, and in that case you’re going to need to do everything you can to stack the odds in your favour. Here we will look at some ways you can do that…

Broaden Your Niche, Or Add a Unique Element

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Just because you’re in a popular niche doesn’t mean you can’t have a USP. For instance you can create a bodybuilding site but make it different from all the rest by giving it a different slant. That might mean you create a ‘bodybuilding for women’ site, a ‘bodybuilding for teens’ site, or maybe a site dedicated to the golden age of building. Otherwise you can simply broaden your niche to include a range of other topics. For instance then you might write mainly about bodybuilding, but occasionally cover other sports or perhaps general fitness topics – and this will make your site more interesting to some audiences.

Create a Unique Look

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Another thing you can do is to create a unique look for your site that will make it stand out and stick in people’s minds. Even if you don’t give your site a different angle, you can make it memorable and preferable by just using an edgy look and the right colours – this way people will stand up and take notice of your site and they’ll presume it’s somehow superior to the others.

Go Local

Taking on bodybuilding.com on your first day is obviously going to end in disappointment, but by starting out as a local site you can be a lot more successful. Many people like to search for sites based in their area (this is particularly useful for hair dressers and other similar businesses that serve local clients).

Going local will also provide you with a number of ways you can easily start to market yourself to relevant audiences. Even Facebook started out local – at first it was only available to Harvard students which helped it to spread.

Be Vigilante

And finally just make sure to keep on plugging away. Those big sites have the benefit of time on their side, but if you’re willing to work hard you can start to close that gap by producing lots of great content and building a big links profile. Don’t worry about them – just focus on the daily grind and eventually you’ll start to close the ground and see your site succeed.

About the Author: Mike K is an internet marketing consultant at Wisdek. He is one the foremost authorities in the SEO industry and an extremely knowledgeable person to go along with his pleasing personality. With the growing competition to get atop the SERP’s, its not easy to survive and coming up with out of the box ideas has become extremely important according to him. He firmly believes that knowledge should be shared and hence writes articles about myriad topics related to SEO on his blog.

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