To blog is human, but to blog well is divine. The difference between merely having a blog domain and your blog actually gaining readership and notoriety is like the difference between you making photocopies of your personal manifesto and stapling it to telephone poles to reach the masses rather than it being published by the… (1 comment)

Once the sole domain of computer geeks and early adopters, blogging has evolved over the past decade to something between social media and journalism. Depending on the type of blog you operate, your audience may expect you to post quality essays, gorgeous art and photos or funny random observations. No matter the subject of your… (0 comment)

Three years ago I never imagined how blogging would change my life. I would have never thought that I would meet a few friends through blogging that are now my best friends. If you would have told me that my career was going to be in blogging and social media down the road, I might… (7 comments)

This question has always been difficult to answer: How often should you publish a blog post? For me a blog post every two or three days is adequate – however, I do post (almost) everyday on several blogs I own. The Friendly Blogger is updated every 2 or 3 days – sometimes everyday (thanks, Lisa,… (2 comments)

College is rife with educational and extracurricular opportunities. Between going to class, studying, and attending club meetings, students are certainly kept busy. Some may find it difficult to stay current with non-academic pursuits, such as maintaining a personal blog, but there is good news. Applying the same kind of discipline to blogging that one directs… (1 comment)

Why You Need To Check Your Spam Box
I know you are thinking right now that I am nuts, however, we have already established that fact! 🙂 Why would you want to check your spam box? I mean, that’s what your anti-spam plug in is for. To grab all that nasty spam and keep away from your eyeballs, right? Well, technically yes. However,… (6 comments)